Proverbs 11:24-25
One gives freely, yet grows all the richer;
Another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want.
This is the language of greed -- love and selfish desire for the material things, while being blinded to the value of spiritual things. . . St. Joseph lived a life of generosity . . . (He) freely chose to give his life to protect (Mary) and the Son of God. He lavished his love upon them. He protected Our Lady and the Son of God in such a hidden way that even his fellow villagers didn't know who Jesus was.
St. Joseph knew that the treasure he possessed was the richest of all riches.
. . . A heart disposed to greed closes itself off to others.
. . . A generous heart, like the heart of St. Joseph, opens itself and gives everything it possesses. It empties itself for the good of the other.
An Integrated Look at the Holy Family
(pp. 38-39)
Bottaro and Settle
Do you have a love of the things you possess or do you see all you have generously given to you by the Lord?
I do still have a love of possessions and think too much about objects (e.g., new cell phones, new cars, clothes, etc.). I often forget that God is the source of all that I have. That my very life is a gift.
Are you selfish about your time, your attention, your money, or sharing what you have?
Usually, no. Perhaps, if I harbor some grudge or resentment against a particular person or see them through the light of my own insecurity.
How is your heart open to giving to others what the Lord has generously given to you?
Donating my money to the Church or humanitarian causes. Spending time to join unfamiliar groups with a mission to heal divisions, welcome the marginalized, serve the suffering in my local Baltimore community. To make room for non-judgmental conversations with people facing struggles that are very different from my own. Reaching out to and staying in touch with friends and family, especially those who may be experiencing some kind of spiritual poverty. Teaching catechism, finding the courage to share Christ with others in conversation, especially non-believers.
What are you holding back for yourself?
A hope or expectation that I'll have one day for myself all the markers of the "American dream" -- a nice car, a beautiful house, other creature comforts.
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