Saturday, October 16, 2021

St. Joe's Consecration Day 3 - Desire for the Infinite


"If I find in myself a desire that no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world. 

-C. S. Lewis

Mere Christianity

"We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. 

C. S. Lewis

The Weight of Glory

The Death of St. Joseph
Miguel Cabrera

(Jesus) died for us that we may be restored to a life we don't even clearly realize we lost. 

We may get a sense every once in a while of the infinite chasm of desire that exists within us. It is too terrifying to dwell in for very long, but we are certainly familiar with the lack of having enough. We seek our satisfaction in human love or things of this world, but feel like we are falling short all too often. We then blame ourselves or our loved ones for this emptiness . . .

. . . for now consider this: Jesus saw in his parents as he grew up the greatest human love possible between a husband and a wife, wrapped into the life of celibacy at the same time. The celibate marital love of Mary and Joseph formed Jesus to understand how our insatiable thirst could be directed beyond this world.

From Consecration to Jesus through Saint Joseph:

An Integrated Look at the Holy Family

(p. 18)

Bottaro and Settle

What joys has God blessed you with in your life?

  • Faithful, self-sacrificing parents
  • 2 siblings and 39 cousins, especially the ones I've grown close to
  • Academic success and professional achievements
  • Warm, enriching friendships 
  • A good salary; having a fancy car when I first moved to DC
  • Consolations in prayer and in appreciating others strengths and love

Did they leave you satisfied? If so, for how long?

All the joys that have to do with my relationships do bring longer periods of satisfaction, much longer and more significant than, say, my salary or what car I drive. But even then, I know the ebbs and flows of friendship. I see the ways that other people are lacking or unable to satisfy my deeper need for love, attention, concern, wisdom. 

Each positive encounter with the people God has blessed me with I'm able to enjoy in the moment. But I often feel a sadness with the "goodbyes" that leave me acutely aware of the impermanence of human bonds in this world. 

What finite things of this world tempt you to find fulfillment in them?

  • Wealth; comfort; indulging in the finer things (eg, good food)
  • Status; power and influence in my job or the groups I belong to
  • The esteem and love of other people
  • Romantic relationships

How far are you willing to go to imagine the joy you are actually created for?

As far as prayer will take me. There is no end to the joy and peace that God has in store. My mind cannot conceive all the good things God has in store. 

Forever young, 
I wanna be forever young.
Do you really want to live 
Forever, forever, and ever?
Forever young (young)
I wanna be
     (Aye, may the best of your todays)
Forever young
      (Be the worst of your tomorrows)
Do you really want to live forever

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