Ephesians 1:18
May the eyes of (your) hearts be enlightened, that you may know what is the hope that belongs to his call, what are the riches of his glory among the inheritance of the holy ones, and what is the surpassing greatness of his power for us who believe.
The Wedding of Joseph and Mary |
Joseph was the first to consecrate himself to Jesus through Our Lady. His life and devotion to Our Lady is the model for us of how we are called to give everything to Jesus through Mary. . . Our Lady was a witness to Joseph of how to have deep trust in the Lord when she gave her fiat at the Annunciation. Our lady in her femininity was the one to show him what it meant to be open and receptive before the Lord.
. . . She told Joseph of her fiat -- before she gave it at the Annunciation. . . After the Annunciation and birth of Jesus, they were both devoted to Him
. . . Joseph gave his free yes to Our Lady to love and care for her. He held nothing back from them -- he gave a total gift of himself to them.
From Consecration to Jesus through Saint Joseph:
An Integrated Look at the Holy Family
(pp. 55-56)
Bottaro and Settle
Are there people in your life who have given witness to you of the Father's love and devotion?
My cousin in Dallas has been this witness for me. Her witness became clear to me the last time I visited her. Despite having two young children, she made so much time for me, preparing her home and looking out for me in all the ways a compassionate big sister would. I remember waking up the second morning at her house, just *waiting* for her to eventually wake up, too–I was so excited to talk to her and be in her company.It wasn’t until a few weeks later in prayer that I realized something about Jesus: How much *more* does Our Lord long to see me? How much more does He wait in anticipation? Knowing that He loves me that way washed over my heart. I knew — I had to see Him more wherever and whenever I could: in Adoration, at Mass, in prayer. Because my cousin loved me that freely, it helped me believe, to know deep down that God could love me freely, that God the Father will provide for me.
Have you ever shared with them how much their witness meant to you?
Yes, but I can be more direct and vulnerable in sharing.
Are you beginning to see how devotion to St. Joseph will lead you to deeper devotion to Jesus and Our Lady?
Yes, following Joseph's path leads to Jesus through Mary. His example gives me a mold or structure that can help form in me and reveal what devotion might mean in my day-to-day life.
Holy, holy, holy.
Lord God Almighty.
Merciful and mighty,
God in three persons--
Blessed Trinity.
Only Thou art holy--
There is none beside Thee,
Perfect in power,
In love and purity.
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