Monday, November 22, 2021

St. Joe's Consecration Day 27 - Humility

 "Humility is not in being little . . . It is in making oneself little, and not out of some necessity or personal utility, but out of love to raise others. 

Second Advent Homily, 2013

Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa

Humility in Cantalamessa's terms is related to service. . . This, of course, is the service that Joseph modeled to Jesus and all of us. . . (Joseph's and Mary's) friends looked on and saw nothing remarkable--this was a testament to the simplicity that Joseph and Mary must have carried themselves in literally the most important mission that has ever been given to any human person in the history of all time. 

(Joseph) was also called to be married to the most beautiful and most holy woman who's ever walked the face of the earth, love her with the most passionate and undying love that any man has felt for any woman, and do it all while maintaining perfectly pure and chaste celibacy.

. . . This is not public martyrdom with widespread accolades . . . this is the littleness and servitude of humility that leaves nothing for pride to grow fat on. 

From Consecration to Jesus through Saint Joseph:

An Integrated Look at the Holy Family

(pp. 97-98)

Bottaro and Settle

What are you called to do in service and love that you balk at because you won't receive credit?

  • Helping my parents
What hidden sacrifices can you make more consistently but don't?

  • Helping my brother 
  • Praying for friends and family and people I've had conflict with
  • Practicing humility within dating relationships
How are you called to humility by making yourself last without counting the cost?
  • How I can serve quietly within my own family

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