The Holy Family as a family of The Beatitudes.
Self-reliance vs. true detachment from things of this world
Poor in spirit = awareness of one's true identity as a son or daughter of God = humble confidence
= free to give of oneself
= free to receive another's gift
"(The experience of poverty) is meant to awaken a new hunger in our hearts, hunger for God. In (this) poverty . . . no food, no satisfaction, no human security can suffice." (Jacques Philippe from The Eight Doors of the Kingdom)
We can imagine that the Holy Family a deeper sorrow for fallen humanity because they understood the cosmic reverberations of human frailty. . . They opened up their sorrowful hearts in trust that God will bring good out of all things.
Can you see your weakness and poverty as a gift? As something lovable to the Father?
Yes, because it awakens my hunger.
What keeps you from experiencing and living the confidence that you are loved by the Father in your poverty?
Firstborn problems. The false belief that nothing can be given to me; everything must be earned
Is it difficult to trust in the Lord's providence in times of sorrow?
Yes and now. When sorrow hits and I don't pray, ruminating and catastrophizing instead, then it is difficult to trust.
Do you believe that He desires to console you? And that He will?
Yes. Sometimes.
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