Saturday, August 1, 2020

Marian Consecration Day 20 - A Covenant with Mary

Come Holy Spirit, living in Mary.
Help me to ardently make a Covenant of Consecration with Mary.

Advent Prayer #pinterest  Father, all-powerful God, Your eternal Word took flesh on our earth when the Virgin Mary placed her life at the service of Your plan. Lift our minds in watchful hope to hear the voice which announces His glory and open our minds to receive the Spirit who prepares us for His coming. Come Oh Lord Emmanuel! Amen..............| Awestruck Catholic Social Network
Icon of Mary with Child Jesus
As seen at St. Mary Cause of Our Joy Catholic Church (Westland, MI) 

The Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady prompts us to acknowledge the basis for this joyful hope. Yes, we are still pilgrims, but our mother has gone on ahead, where she points to the reward of our efforts. She tells us that we can make it. And, if we are faithful, we will reach home. The blessed Virgin is not only our model, she is the help of Christians. And as we besiege her with our petitions — "Show that you are our Mother" — she cannot help but watch over her children with motherly care.
St. Josemaria Escriva
"The Blessed Virgin, Cause of Our Joy:
A Homily on the Solemnity of the Assumption"

Mary’s Duties

My Duties

1. To give of her spirit and her heart

1. Total gift of all I have and am

2. To possess, protect, and transform me

2. Total dependence on her

3. To inspire, guide, and enlighten me

3. Responsiveness to her spirt

4. To share her experience of prayer + praise

4. Faithfulness to prayer

5. Responsibility for my sanctification

5. Trust in her intercession

6. Responsibility for all that befalls me

6. Accept all as coming from her

7. To share with me her virtues

7. Imitate her spirit

8. To provide for my spiritual + material needs

8. Constant recourse to her

9. Union with her heart

9. Remembrance of her presence

10. To purify me and my actions

10. Purity of intention; self-denial

11. Right to dispose of me, my prayers, my intercessions, and graces

11. Right to avail myself of her and her energies for the sake of the kingdom

12. Total freedom in and around me, as she pleases, in all things

12. Right to enter into her heart and share her interior life



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