Tuesday, April 23, 2024

In the Cool of the Evening

(c) Review & Harold Publishing
"Adam is at the center of the picture now, and everything is described as being there for him and the woman: the garden, the rivers, and the animals."
from Time to Be Astonished (Sunday School Net)

This is My Body:A Call to Eucharistic Revival (Bishop Robert Barron)

(Adam and Eve) are to care for creation and, if I can put it this way, they are to be the spokespersons for it, appreciating its order with their illuminated minds and giving expression to its beauty with their well-trained tongues. . . Human beings were intended to be the means by which the whole earth would give praise to God, returning in love what God has given in love, uniting all things in a great act of worship.  

This is why . . . Adam is represented in . . . rabbinic interpretation as a priest, the one who effects union between God and creation. As he walks with Yahweh in easy friendship in the cool of the evening, Adam is humanity--and by extension, the whole of the cosmos--as it is meant to be, caught up in a loop of grace, creaturely love answering divine love.

from page 4 



Sunday, February 4, 2024


 "The most basic petition, when animated with even the first hint of faith in Christ crucified, lifts even the most impossible situations into the warmth and light of God Himself."

"Christian Prayer and Fire from Above"

Fire from Above: Christian Contemplation and Mystical Wisdom

Dr. Anthony L. Lilles, PhD

St. Francis Receiving the Stigmata, 1586 (engraving)
Agostino Carracci (courtesy of the Minneapolis Institute of Art

Last Friday night was a 1st Friday, so I decided to go to confession in downtown Baltimore. The priest seemed like an Old World Polish cleric, and he gave me a longer than usual penance: 3 decades of the Rosary focusing on 3 Joyful Mysteries (the Nativity, the Presentation, and Finding the Child Jesus in the Temple). I was only able to pray one decade that night in the church, but was confident I could finish the penance before Sunday Mass.

Before even 24 hours from receiving absolution, I fell into the same habitual, mortal sin that led me to confess my sins in the first place. I still had two decades left of my penance. In the context of 15 years of trying to defeat this sin, it certainly feels like I'm in a "most impossible situation."  

Remember when our songs were just like prayers?

Like gospel hymns that you called in the air.

Come down, come down, sweet reverence,

Unto my simple house and ring,

And ring.

Ring like silver, ring like gold,

Ring like clear day wedding bells.

Now I've been crazy, couldn't you tell?

I threw stones at the stars, but the whole sky fell . . .

Ring like crazy, ring like hell;

Turn me back into that wild-haired gale.

Ring like silver, ring like gold,

Turn these diamonds straight back into coal,

Turn these diamonds straight back into coal,

Turn these diamonds straight back.